Public Talk & Panel & Exhibition // BIOTOPIA – HAUTNAH @Naturkundemuseum Bayern – Munich (DE)

If you have not yet heard about it, it’s now time to discover it. BIOTOPIA – Naturkundemuseum Bayern will be the world’s first museum focusing on behaviours, activities and processes, featuring topics and themes that relate to all human beings and enable inter-species connections, allowing to “explore life” while re-thinking and and re-configuring our relationship to other living beings. A platform for discussion and communication about the latest research as well as an interactive learning venue with public labs and varied programmes, bridging nature, culture, art and design.
Under the title “HAUTNAH” (skin close), the 1st BIOTOPIA Fest dedicates itself to the fascinating world of biosciences and materials research at the intersection of fashion and design. On June 16th, it will offer visitors a rich tapestry of activities to explore biomaterials, ranging from exhibitions and talks to participative labs, workshops and a fashion show. What fabric is our future made of?
On kind invite of Biotopia, Maurizio Montalti will be contributing to the festive event by bringing on stage insights, reflections, projects and the overall experience developed as part of both Officina Corpuscoli and Mogu. The discussion panel “A Material Revolution?” will involve an exciting range of international guests, such as Paola Antonelli (MoMA The Museum of Modern Art), Jens Klein (AMSilk GmbH), Suzanne Lee (Modern Meadow), Fiorenzo Omenetto (Silklab, Tufts University Boston). Moderated by BIOTOPIA’s founding director Michael John Gorman.
Furthermore, products from the growing collection of Mogu Home and Mogu Leather, as well as explorative projects such as Caskia – Growing a MarsBoot (collaboration with OurOwnsKIN / Liz Ciokajlo) will be on show during the event, together with lots of other innovative materials, products and projects.
Admission is free.
You can download the invitation here.
Download here the full programme.
Facebook Event here.
June 16, 2018 (10 AM-9PM)
BIOTOPIA – Naturkundemuseum Bayern
Hubertussaal, Nymphenburg Palace & Museum Mensch und Natur
Maria-Ward-Str. 1a
80638 – München