Public Talk // THE ARENA – Design Academy Eindhoven @DDW17 – Eindhoven (NL)

During DAE’s Graduation Show, the Arena will provide a permanent platform to address aspects relative to the design practice that lie behind or beyond the mere object, as well as themes that connect them.
Performances, films, talks, presentations and debates will be staged by students & graduates, as well as by prominent professionals from the design field and beyond.
Join us for a public talk and discussion on Wednesday 25th, where together with the project’s partners, we’ll reflect on the NWO/TTW project “Mycelium-based Materials for Product Design”, while providing insights and critically examining the nature of collaborative processes.
October 25, 2017, at 1 PM
Design Academy Eindhoven
Emmasingel 14
5611 AZ – Eindhoven (NL)