Opening MICROPIA – World’s First Microbes Zoo – 30 Sept. 2014

On September 30th, the novel and unique interactive MicroZOO – Micropia – opened in Amsterdam, shining new light on the tiny creatures that make up two-thirds of all living matter and are vital for our planet’s future.
Officina Corpuscoli and Maurizio Montalti are happy to be part of this grand initiative, while sharing the same values, facts and visions which have been driving the studio’s works since its foundation.
In this context, some of the objects generated through the “Growing Lab” project will be presented, as part of the permanent exhibition. As Haig Balian, director of Artis, stated:
“…a visit to Micropia will forever change the way you see the world”.
You’re warmly invited to come and visit Micropia.
More information about Micropia can be found here.