MICROPIA – Een Schimmelige Toekomst

During the past months, the studio has been busy with developing a new presentation to be included as part of the overall exhibits at MICROPIA, who commissioned the project. MICROPIA is the only museum in the world, revealing the world of microscopically small life. The international awarded museum is the only museum of its kind.
On Tuesday, February 7th ARTIS-Micropia will open and unravel new exhibit, as part of an event titled “Een Schimmelige Toekomst” – A Fungal Future.
The studio’s presentation and artefacts aim to provide the public with radically new perspectives on fungi.
Officina Corpuscoli, in direct collaboration with scientists from Utrecht University (Prof. Han Wösten & microbiology group) have developed methods for employing fungi as durable materials and as potential substitutes for traditional (synthetic) matters.
The new exhibit at MICROPIA will therefore stimulate the public in understanding more about the possibilities that fungal materials could open up, through the development of innovative and eco-friendly materials, objects and applications which are part of our everyday life.
When: February 7th, 2017 at 3 PM (opening)
c/o Artisplein
Plantage Kerklaan 38-40
1018 CZ – Amsterdam
The Netherlands
(Image ©ARTIS-Micropia / Bas Losekoot)
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