MAD – Materialisation in Art & Design – @Sandberg 2015-2017

The new temporary Master programme MAD- Materialisation in Art & Design has officially kicked off.
So far, it’s been absolutely great to work on (un-)defining the programme, though the really exciting part starts now!
MAD aims to create a strong link between the serendipity to be found along the process of experimentation with materials and media, and the development of ideas. MAD challenges the conventional hierarchy between ‘concept’ and ‘making’, ‘content’ and ‘process’, by making the material expression of works paramount. Thus, relying on personal intuitions and feelings, while welcoming the emergence of failures and the unexpected opportunities which it generates, are to be considered fundamental means to the acts of materialisation within the MAD programme.
For more information: MAD Sandberg
The MAD department is
headed by: Herman Verkerk & Maurizio Montalti
coordinated by: Linde Dorenbosch
Tutors and guest tutors include:
Herman Verkerk, architect/designer
Maurizio Montalti, designer/researcher
Jens Pfeifer, artist/head of the Glass department at GRA
Alexander van Slobbe, fashion and textile designer
Marjan van Aubel, designer
Thomas Feuerstein, artist
Pascale Gatzen, artist/ fashion designer
Cocky Eek, artist
Jo Taillieu, architect
Marta Volkowa & Slava Shevelenko, artists
and more to be announced…