Lecture @E4D Summer School – TU/d

“Sand: an (in)finite resource?” – On Friday, July 8th Officina Corpuscoli will be offering a lecture as part of the E4D Summer School, organised by ETH Zurich in collaboration with TU Delft. The E4D summer school 2016 aims to develop an integrated vision to a global challenge of today’s construction industry. The programme revolves around the depleting resource sand and the question of how to develop alternative building materials for future cities. Invited experts from around the world will share their knowledge and give insights in their field of research. In the workshops the acquired knowledge will be tested and applied. The results will be evaluated under the concept of stocks and flows of energy and material to assess their contribution towards sustainable development.
More information about the E4D Summer School can be found here.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Science Centre Delft
Mijnbouwstraat 120
2628 RX Delft