FUNGAL FUTURES 02 | Growing Domestic Bio-Landscapes @Museum TwentseWelle

Following the success of the FUNGAL FUTURES 01 exhibition in Utrecht, I am happy to announce that FUNGAL FUTURES 02 is right on its way and that it will be presented as part of the WEBS exhibition atMuseum TwentseWelle in Enschede, The Netherlands.
The show will migrate to and expand at this new location and the preparations are in full swing. CheckFUNGAL FUTURES website, to gather more information about the projects and the related artists/works on show.
FUNGAL FUTURES is a project commissioned by Utrecht University / MICROBIOLOGY (Prof. Han Wösten)and curated / designed / produced by Maurizio Montalti / OFFICINA CORPUSCOLI. This second edition is being developed in direct collaboration with and thanks to the support of RijksmuseumTwenthe andMuseumTwentseWelle.
Opening: October 15th, 2016 (at 5 PM – tbc)
When: October – February, 2016
Where: Museum TwentseWelle – Het Rozendaal 11, 7523 XG – Enschede (NL)