Exhibition // The Growing Lab @FRANKENSTEIN – Rijksmuseum Boerhaave – Leiden (NL)

In 1818 the English writer Mary Shelley made her debut with a high-profile novel: Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus. Two hundred years after the creation of Victor Frankenstein’s artificial man, the moral conflict that Shelley masterfully sketched at the time has lost none of its power.
Even now, curiosity and belief in progress clash with a deeply situated human fear in regard to (bio-)technological innovation. If on one hand we celebrate innovation and we are proud of our ingenuity, on the other there is permanent fear of giving birth to 21st-century Frankenstein monsters.
The exhibition Frankenstein at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave will reflect on such controversial aspects, posing reflections in regard to the way in which emerging technologies can contribute to affect our idea of self, as well as to the overall set of risks potentially involved.
A selection of pieces from The Growing Lab / Mycelia collection will be exhibited as part of such overall framework.
More information about Frankenstein can be found here.
March 15 – October 28, 2018
Opening on:
March 15, 2018
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Lange St. Agnietenstraat 10
2312 WC Leiden (NL)