Exhibition // FUNGAL CURIOSITIES – Design Academy Eindhoven @DDW17 – Eindhoven (NL)

In line with the specific research activities currently taking place within Design Academy Eindhoven’s Readership, the studio has been working on developing a format for clearly communicating to a wide public about ways in which design research activities and strategies can be adopted and tackled.
The exhibition ‘Fungal Curiosities’ will display some of the preliminary results of the NWO/TTW project Mycelium-based Materials for Product Design, a collaborative endeavour between Design Academy Eindhoven, TU Delft and Utrecht University.
Through an immersive setting, visitors will be able to get acquainted with both data and physical/experiential qualities of a selected range of mycelium-based composites, as well as to dive into the overall project’s content and process.
The exhibition, curated by Maurizio Montalti (DAE / Officina Corpuscoli) and Serena Camere (TU Delft – Materials Experience Lab), will be presented within DAE’s Graduation Show.
Research by: Maurizio Montalti (DAE), Serena Camere (TUD), Pauline Krijgsheld (UU), Freek Appels (UU), Han Wösten (UU), Elvin Karana (TUD), David Hamers (DAE).
Project Partners: Utrecht University, TU Delft, Design Academy Eindhoven, MOGU, CNC Exotic Mushrooms, Zwethlande, Tresor, Mediamatic.
October 21-29, 2017
Design Academy Eindhoven
De Witte Dame, 3rd floor
Emmasingel 14
5611 AZ – Eindhoven (NL)