Exhibition // COMPASS – Navigating the Future @Ars Electronica Center – Linz (AT)

Selected pieces from the Bio Ex-Machina project will be included as part of the newly re-designed Ars Electronica Center and featured as part of the exhibition Compass – Navigating the Future.
Bio Ex-Machina‘s robotically deployed artefacts (4D printing) will be showcased within the Ars Electronica Labs section, and included as part of the convergence between the MaterialLab and the BioLab, with the intention to inspire the audience at large about the opportunities to be found when intersecting digital technologies and computing, robotic fabrication and biology (i.e. biofacturing).
The Ars Electronica Labs are a place of interchange between different knowledge cultures. They are all about passion for exploring and designing the world.
There are many exciting topics to discover in the CitizenLab, SecondBodyLab, MaterialLab and BioLab.
What could the manufacturing of tomorrow look like? Against the backdrop of increasing resource scarcity and poor working conditions, sustainable and socially responsible production is an important issue. Instead of buying finished “out of the box” products, there will be more of a focus on technologies and developments that allow us to produce as much as possible ourselves. An interesting development in this area is open-source hardware, which provides free plans for constructing all sorts of electronic and mechanical parts.
Another important aspect of sustainable production is material research. What could the materials of the future look like? New ones used in manufacturing must fulfil a wide range of conditions and meet ecological standards depending on their area of application. Today’s research is conducted on intelligent (synthetic) fabrics or dreaming of materials that know our needs and adapt to changing situations and circumstances. And of course, familiar materials can also be rediscovered through innovative approaches and processing methods.
The exhibition will officially kick off on May 27th, 2019, followed by an exciting and rich program. Discover more here.