Panel Discussion // FERMENT TV // New Paradigms for Design

If you missed the recent dialogue on Ferment TV live-broadcast New Paradigms for Design, you can now watch it on Youtube and subscribe to Ferment TV channel to keep up to date with forthcoming live streams!
Watch here …
Press Article // La Stampa (ITA) // Una casa (vera) fatta di funghi. Come quella dei Puffi.

Thanks to Chiara Locuratolo & LA STAMPA, for the article titled “A (true) house made of mushrooms. Like the smurfs’ one” (ITA) , featuring Officina Corpuscoli and insights provided by our our director, Maurizio Montalti.You can read the article here.
Press Article // Houzz (IT) – Who are the “bio-designers” and … what do they do?

Thanks to Giulia Zappa and Houzz magazine for the article featuring Officina Corpuscoli and Mogu. You can read the article here…
Interview // FRIZZI FRIZZI // Designers Perspectives during Quarantine

Thanks to FrizziFrizzi and Tommaso Bovo for the nice live chat, and to Simone Sbarbati for the published article – and in great company. Check here the article and video interview about Designers Perspectives during Quarantine …
Public Talk & Panel // Re:Source Re:Learn Re:Lay Seminar @Konstfack / Ädellab – Stockholm (SE)

On Friday, December 13th, Maurizio Montalti will be at Konstfack (Stockholm – SE), contributing to the Ädellab Seminar Re:Source Re:Learn Re:Lay, with a keynote reflecting upon contemporary material culture and novel responsible opportunities deriving from a direct engagement with non-human agents …
Public Talk & Exhibition // BIOFABRICATE 2019 @The Vinyl Factory – London (UK)

LIFT OFF! Visit us @Biofabricate #the summit London – on 5th december 2019. We have a story to tell you: listen to Mogu founder & managing director, Maurizio Montalti, talking about the evolution of the work initially conducted at Officina Corpuscoli, stemming in our mycelium-based products and biofabrication challanges. At Mogu…
Public Talk & Panel // Workwhile @The Hoxton (NL)

Join us on November 27th, 2019 at Workwhile Design Talks, for ‘Not the Only Experiment: Restorative Design for a Planet in Crisis’. Our director …
Exhibition // Design Matters @Bildmuseet – UMEA University – Umea (SE)

A wide selection of projects from Officina Corpuscoli will be on show as part of the upcoming exhibition Design Matters, at Bildmuseet in Umea.
Those will include selected pieces from The Growing Lab / Mycelia, CASKIA / Growing a Mars Boot, Bio Ex-Machina, mogu & more. Come and join, to discover the latest …
Exhibition // Project // Pandora’s Ecstasy @DDW2019 – Onomatopee – Eindhoven (NL)

Come imeersing yourself into Pandora’s Ecstasy @Onomatopee’s new location, during Dutch Design Week 2019. dora’s Ecstasy is an instalment of the Synthetic Times series: a collaborative and iterative design project that critiques and reimagines human and nonhuman time in …
Exhibition // CASKIA *new edition* @MOVING TO MARS – Design Museum – London (UK)

A new edition of CASKIA will be on show at Design Museum London as part of the Moving to Mars exhibition, opening on October 18, 2019. Come and visit! …