Bio-Me Festival @Mediamatic | 18-20 Sept. 2014

On September 18th, 19th and 20th, Mediamatic will host and organise, together with partners, such as Officina Corpuscoli, Bio-Me: a 3-day Festival, filled with talks, masterclasses, tastings and presentations concerning all things revolving around and designed with living organisms.
Bio-me functions as a broad bio-cultural lab within the city of Amsterdam. By inviting artist, designers, engineers, architects, scientist, farmers, chefs and the public, Bio-me aims to create a shared knowledge environment and production space to investigate the social, technological and cultural implications and potential of Fungal and Bio-based materials through art, architecture and design.
Officina Corpuscoli will be curating the presentation of the projects which are part of the ‘Myco-Design Lab“, a program where artists and designers have bee invited to start experimenting with mycelium, for the developments of new materials, applications and products. you can find out more about the Myco-Design Lab, here.
Moreover, during the festival, some pieces which are part of “The Growing Lab” project, will also be on show.
More info about Bio-Me, as well as the complete program, can be found here.