Exhibition // WATERSCHOOL M4H+ @IABR – International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (NL) – DOWN TO EARTH

Exhibition // WATERSCHOOL M4H+ @IABR – International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (NL) – DOWN TO EARTH

Come and join the wide range of encounters, dialogues, exhibitions and activities as part of IABR – International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2021DOWN TO EARTH. Among the various happenings, make sure to dive into the exhibition WATERSCHOOL M4H+ as next step in the development of the Waterschool, a long-term research project by Studio Makkink & Bey, as part of which the project CASKIA / Growing a MarsBoot will be exhibited.

In 2018, curators Rianne Makkink and Jurgen Bey started exploring Merwe-Vierhavens (M4H) as a learning production landscape that was being developed to meet the water challenge. Now, two years later, they proudly present WATERSCHOOL M4H+: the culmination of their research in a working exhibition in their own studio, complemented by five installations at five different outdoor locations in former city harbour area M4H, as a learning production landscape, a learning environment for the future that we can want, in a district in which some 3,000 (live-work) dwellings for around 6,300 people are to be built in the next couple of years.

Click here to find out more about WATERSCHOOL M4H+
Click here to explore the WATERSCHOOL website by Studio Makkink & Bey

June 9 – July 30, 2021

Rotterdam (NL) – multiple locations
Find out more here