Exhibition // Project // Pandora’s Box @Neuhaus – Het Nieuwe Instituut – Rotterdam (NL)

You’re warmly invited to the opening of Pandora’s Box.
Pandora’s Box will be presented as part of Neuhaus, a temporary transdisciplinary academy for more-than-human knowledge, occupying and transforming the existing building and facilities of Het Nieuwe Instituut in a collective of human and non-human subjects and in an inclusive environment where non-verbal metaphors are spoken, for the production of “other” knowledge, in the age of reset.

About Pandora’s Box
Pandora’s Box is an instalment of the Synthetic Times series: a collaborative and iterative design project that critiques and reimagines human and non-human time in relation to modern and future technologies.
The installation critiques and reimagines human and non-human timescales in relation to past and future technologies. In its current iteration, Synthetic Times invites the active participant to “open Pandora’s Box” in order to discover a mixture of complex temporalities and mythologies that evoke fascination, wonder, dread, and hope.
READ MORE ABOUT PANDORA’s BOX on the dedicated project page!

More information about Pandora’s Box can be also found on the Neuhaus website (@HNI).
The installation in Het Nieuwe Instituut is conceived and designed by Conny Groenewegen (fashion designer and material researcher), Maurizio Montalti (design researcher and hybrid designer), Adam Nocek (philosopher and design researcher), and Stacey Moran (feminist philosopher and writer).
Previously, Groenewegen presented the installation Fashion Machine in the Temporary Fashion Museum. Montalti previously presented and curated the Biotopia section of Dissident Gardens at Het Nieuwe Instituut.—
Concept and development
Maurizio Montalti (Officina Corpuscoli), Conny Groenewegen (Fashion Machine), Adam Nocek & Stacey Moran (Center for Philosophical Technologies)
Project management
Babette Zijlstra ,Charlotte Corstanje
Video Work
Wim van Egmond, Hanne Valle
Financial support
Het Nieuwe Instituut, Center for Philosophical Technologies at Arizona State University
With thanks to
Mediamatic, Hanna Valle, Wim van Egmond, Guus Beumer, Flora van Gaalen, Babette Zijlstra, Lea Berner, Peter Betner, Hendrik-Jan Hunneman, Hans Jansen, Bouwko Landstra and his extraordinary team, Manon Bachelier, Frans-Pieter Vonk, Wieland Textiles, Verbruggen Paddestoelen BV… and the enthusiasm and support of all volunteers and everyone else that we should have mentioned.
NEUHAUS @Het Nieuwe Instituut
Museumpark 25 – 3015 CB – Rotterdam
Exhibition Hours:
Tue – Wed 11.00 — 17.00
Thu 11.00 — 21.00
Fri – Sun 11.00 — 17.00
Neuhaus Opening Party:
Saturday 18 May, 19:00 – late